samedi 5 avril 2014

Rough Draft Outline

I think I might want vignettes, little stories that equal some big one.

Boys. Doing and not wanting to disturb the women who are real, and picking the ones who are frivolous.

Women who are girls and turning into women, girls who are women in their souls. Ones who know and ones who don't.

I think there would be a Jiro character, one who brings his wisdom into her life and she doesn't listen. A Sam character who is down syndromed but thinks just like a normal person would. Not from the perspective of others but from his perspective.

I'm not sure who that would be, a girl or a boy, or maybe neither. Someone who appeals to either. And the man is called away from his family constantly but chooses the family over and over again. Out of desire to be intelligent and strong.

But I don't have a clear picture. I guess if I just keep writing and letting it be. It is kind of like learning to cook. I tend to forget things and add them in later, and that's ok, as long as it's not bland and it is acceptable in the end. I want that to be true. Acceptable to the palate in a beautiful way. I don't think I have skill for spicing. I will have to learn that over time. I want to learn that Lord. Please help me in the flavoring of things and the time it takes to do them.

Lord, I also need for you to help me with time management. I need to be able to let go of things and let the day ride. Not hold onto them with the strength of an ox.

1) Not make as many driving trips to pick things up and up and up.
2) Utilize what I have, clean what I have, learn from my mistakes with what I have.
3) Build upwards and outwards in a direct, strong fashion.
4) Spend time around people, even if they're frustrating. YOU are frustrating to yourself, so you can handle others. You can.
5) Give to yourself first more. Learn that art. Just as much as you need and let go. LET GO of the control. If you are giving to yourself what you need, you are accepting life in all of it's forms.
6) Watch others. Learn from them.
7) Save. Save as much as you can.

Lord, help me learn all of these things, slowly but surely. Help me share my life with others and let others in and let my feelings in and let it all flow. I need you. In Jesus' holy, awesome name, Amen!

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