mardi 8 avril 2014

About France

There is a small contest to write about 1000 words about France. Anything about it. About your love for it while working there, traveling there, or, like me if you've never been there, all that it means to you in your hopes and dreams. I want to write about my eating disorder I think. My depression maybe. My anxiety in a land filled with people of my own language, and how the learning of how to interact with peoples of another language, something more beautiful to my mind, has ameliorated the experience of everyday living. There's so much more to it, but I believe that finding what is beautiful to you, and focusing on that, no matter what it is, will lead you to Truth and Beauty. And that has been a huge part of my life: France. I am utterly grateful for it. I will use this letter to Paris and France as my therapy for the week, seeing as I am in great need of it.

I will go write that now and come back to you, blog, seeing as I have not been writing in you but sporadically of late.

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