vendredi 4 avril 2014


I've definitely let this blog lag a bit. Hey, at least I made it through 115 posts so far! I feel grateful for that at least.

Today has been a bit hard to get through. Definitely more depression than normal and not being exactly sure why. I think it's because I've been eating SO MUCH SALAD it's crazy. I feel like a bit salad in my innards.

A few things have happened, but I can't remember them linearly so I am going to go ahead and end this post and read some more I think. I feel like I have nothing to output right now. I feel like a lump on my chair. I had a really lovely walk in Sabino Canyon, and now am listening to some great music by Ben Rector and ... Bon Iver? Maybe...

May God bless those around me. And pray for the ones less fortunate than I.

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